Be careful! Keeping your children away from sugar can have an adverse effect


Every day it is more common for detractors of various foods to emerge. People who have turned healthy eating into a restrictive, unattractive and, in some cases, punishing version. Sugar has fallen on the blacklist of this type of people, who claim that consuming it is ” poison”. For this reason, many mothers have turned their children away from this product.

But is it healthy to force children not to consume sugar at all? The answer, according to nutrition specialist Kharem Marín and the World Health Organization (WHO), is that it is not recommended.

“It’s not good to be so prohibitive or restrictive with children in terms of what they eat,” Marín assures. “With the exception of infants or very young children. In these specific cases, it is recommended not to include processed foods or chemicals”.

The minimum daily sugar intake for a child should be at least 10 percent of their entire caloric intake. In this sense, Marín explains that “more than banning sugar, parents should focus on creating good eating habits in their children. That is, avoiding diets that are rich in fats, junk food and processed foods”.

In addition to the energy that sugar provides to the body (since glucose is an important source for the body and for brain functions), it is also a socializing element in childhood.

“Restricting sugar consumption in children can make them not relate well with their peers, because when it is time to go to a party and they cannot eat cake, they may feel excluded, and this can have emotional consequences later on”.

On another note, the specialist points out that, nowadays, more and more young people are showing interest in some sports, leading them even to become professionals in adulthood.

“In the case of a child who performs high-performance sports, he or she will need to consume many more calories than an adult (at least 3,000) and, of course, sugar and its derivatives such as honey, maple syrup and fructose, among others, will be the fastest and most efficient sources of energy they can consume,” says Marín.

To conclude, the specialist warns that such restrictive diets in young people can lead to long-term eating disorders.

“When children reach adolescence, they begin a stage of self-appraisal, in which they seek an almost unrealistic image and the acceptance of society. Every day they want to reach certain canons of body beauty that cause them psychological and social pressure. But if, in addition, they grow up demonizing carbohydrates and sugars, the situation will be much worse,” says Marín.

Therefore, our recommendation is not to prohibit any food to children, unless they suffer from a health condition that prevents them from consuming it. As parents, let’s encourage moderation in them and enjoy their growth.

Source: Esto es azúcar

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