10 ways to encourage your child to increase physical activity


By Marcela Barillas


Start when they are young

Physically active children are more likely to become healthy adults. It’s good to encourage the habit of physical activity at an early age, although we can experience the health benefits of regular physical activity at any age.


Set a good example

Join your children in becoming more active. Let them know that you both need to stay active for good health and to reduce the risk of cancer. Your children look up to you and your physical activity habits, just as they do with nutrition. Make physical activity a regular part of your life, and it will become a part of your children’s lives too.


Make them like it

Choose activities that your children enjoy, so they are more likely to incorporate them into their daily lives. Try to vary: play basketball one afternoon, visit a nearby skating rink or community pool, or go for an easy hike on a trail.


Swap screen time for physical activity

Children over 2 years old should not spend more than 2 hours a day in front of a screen (TV, computer, etc.), and children under 2 years old should not have screen time. Replace it with 30 minutes of physical activity or use the screen for «exergames», video games such as Wii or Dance Dance Revolution.


Break it down

It may be easier to split your child’s daily goal of 60 minutes into shorter periods of 15 or 30 minutes. For example, in the case of children aged 8 to 10, wake them up 15 minutes earlier so they can play outside before school, encourage them to run and play for 15 minutes during recess, and then take a 30-minute family bike ride after school and work.


Plan it

Plan physical activity as a family and make time for it during your week. Organize weekly activities such as Sunday bike rides, post-dinner walks, or establish a household rule of engaging in physical activity during TV commercial breaks: play “Simon says,” have a push-up contest, or dance to an upbeat song.


Encourage your children

Make physical activity experiences positive. Give children toys that encourage them to be physically active, such as a jump rope, kites, or balls, and then play with them.


Don’t give up

Start working towards your goal of 60 minutes or more of daily physical activity gradually. Add 5 or 10 minutes a day during the first or second week, and then increase the same amount over time. As you continue to exercise, activities that seemed challenging at first will become easier.


Choose age-appropriate activities

Children enjoy unstructured play, which includes games like tag, hopscotch, biking, or running during recess. Teens can participate in organized sports like basketball, soccer, or swimming, and engage in active recreational activities such as canoeing or skating, including muscle-strengthening activities like weightlifting.


Sleep counts

In order to have the necessary energy to be active every day, children under 5 years old need 11 hours or more per night, children aged 5 to 10 need 10 hours or more, and children over 10 years old need at least 9 hours per night.

Source: Esto es azúcar

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