Mindful Eating: a strategy for regulating appetite and controlling portions


By Marcela Barillas

Mindful eating is a practice that involves paying full attention to the act of eating, being present in the moment, and engaging all the senses in the eating experience. It emphasizes being non-judgmentally aware of food, its taste, texture, smell, and even body sensations during the ingestion process.

The concept of mindful eating has its roots in mindfulness, a meditative practice originating from Buddhist traditions. Mindfulness, in general, encourages individuals to be fully aware of their thoughts, feelings, and environment without any attachment or judgment.

In the context of eating, mindful eating encourages people to slow down and savor each bite, fostering a deeper connection with the body’s hunger and satiety signals. By being present and focused in the eating experience, individuals can better understand their relationship with food, reduce overeating, and develop a healthier attitude toward nutrition and wellness.


Here are some key principles of mindful eating:

  1. Eat slowly. Take your time to chew and enjoy each bite, allowing yourself to fully experience the flavor and texture of the food.
  2. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. Be aware of physical hunger and stop when feeling comfortably satisfied.
  3. Engage the senses. Notice the colors, smells, tastes, and textures of foods.
  4. Eliminate distractions. Avoid eating while watching TV, reading, or working, as these distractions can lead to mindless eating.
  5. Cultivate gratitude. Recognize and appreciate the effort that goes into producing foods, as well as the nutrients they provide.
  6. Avoid judgment. Avoid self-criticism or guilt associated with food choices and, instead, approach eating with a sense of self-compassion and understanding.
  7. Serve modest portions. This way, you will avoid overeating and food waste. Use a plate no larger than 15 centimeters in diameter and fill it only once.


Practicing mindful eating can lead to a more pleasurable and satisfying eating experience, as well as a healthier relationship with food and one´s body. It can also help individuals become more connected with their body’s needs and make wiser long-term dietary decisions.

Source: Esto es azúcar

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